There are many types of honey and each region on the world will have different types of honey but in this page I will only list the types of honey that I personally have gotten out of my hives. Each year is different so I cannot guarantee that I can supply every type of honey when you ask so please visit the Honey Shop to see what is currently in stock.
Black Locust – This is one of the first types of honey to come here in Mount Vernon Ohio. It is a light colored honey, sometimes clear as water! It has a very subtile taste but it is very sweet, perfect for adding natural sweetness to a favorite recipe without changing it’s flavor.
Wildflower – This honey is a mix of flowers, like a wildflower meadow is. It has a mild flavor with a nice balance of sweetness that makes it wonderful for eating by the spoonful or adding to your favorite cup of tea to give it a new zing! It is almost never the exact same but is usually is a lighter orange to a darker amber color.
Tulip Poplar – The color is this honey is stunning, a deep, rich red color. It’s flavor is a very unique buttery flavor, amazing when drizzled on warm home-made bread.
Aster – One of the last honey types to come in, this honey has a tangy taste. It adds character to anything it’s added to, bread, cornbread, or tea, this is a perfect honey to choose if you think you’ve tried them all.
Golden rod – Also on of the last honeys to come in, sometimes getting mixed in with Aster honey. Even though it doesn’t smell the best it is enjoyed in tea with it’s sharp flavor pairing well with a mellow afternoon tea.
Wildflower and Black Locust are the most plentiful so if you wish to purchase any of the other types of honey place your order soon (when in stock).