When a bee hive is running out of space one thing you can do to prevent a Swarm is to split the hive. A split is when you take one hive and turn it into two or more, its an artificial swarm. There are many ways to do this but I am going to walk you through the procedure that I use for my eight frame hives. Note: this is for a normal sized hive, with no more than two brood boxes and two honey supers (see Boxes for more information).

For a five frame hive only take three frames of brood, for a ten frame hive take seven.

First I find the Queen and separate her from the rest of the hive, this allows me to work quickly without fear of squishing her. Next I take five frames of Brood (always one with eggs, the others can be larva or capped), one frame of honey and/or pollen, and two frames that are drawn out (have all the cells built) but empty, and put these in your new hive spot. The original queen goes here so try to use the frame you have her on.

Now your original hive is queen less and you must decide what to do about that. You can either buy a new queen and introduce her or you can wait for the bees to make their own queen.

If you decide to buy a queen go to Queen Introducing (out of order right now) to find instructions.

If you decide to let the bees make their own queen all you need to do is leave a frame of eggs in the queen less hive. Don’t open that hive during the next sixteen days because you might break the Queen Cell and kill the queen inside. That will either cost you money in buying a new queen or cost you even more time in waiting for the bees to make a new queen.